We'll now look at a few scenarios
in efforts to answer this question.
Scenario One The Loud One
the lines are long at your bank
and people are getting impatient.
Who is close to the back of the line has
begun to generate some discord and with
support from those around him, he speaks
louder, throwing remarks at your staff who
are attending to customers
at this normal piece.
As the supervisor looking on, what would
your first option in
handling this situation be?
I hope you chose E goal.
Speak to him or engage him quietly.
Hopefully you chose this
as your first option.
Often personalities like these talk loudly
and aggressively to gain attention.
When they engage them quietly or when we
engage them quietly, they
usually respond quietly.
Too many of them can listen, and speaking
to them quietly gives them
the opportunity to do so.
It should be a good option too, though
ignoring them could prolong the
behavior and incite aggression.
Scenario Two The Threatening Customer
as manager of your retail store, you hear
loud talking on the floor,
but ignore it for a while.
Then someone comes to call you.
A customer needs to speak to you.
He or she is threatening to post a
negative reaction with one of your staff
on social media if you do not get your
employee to give him or her
a face to face apology.
How do you handle this?
I hope you chose B.
Invite the customer and the
staff accused into your office.
That's an opportunity to get boat to calm
down and to hear them both out quietly.
It is also the opportunity to remove the
distraction from the floor where it would
have been causing distraction to your
customers or your employees
serving those customers.
Scenario Three Difficult Meeting Member
You are the chairman of a meeting.
Your agenda is set and you also
have a time limit for the meeting.
At your meeting is someone
you all know as Miss Nitpick.
She picks the finest
detail out of every issue.
Her suggestions are always the best.
In her view,
she had missed the last meeting and so
today her nitpicking is even worse.
She's stopping the meeting, asking
explanations on almost every point.
You lose your call and ask her.
Here are the options.
Whichever answer you chose,
it reflects your personality and how you
would handle a difficult
member in your meeting.
But remember, whatever you do, you would
be set in a precedent which others
would expect you to follow.
The next time something similar happens
with either the same person
or another team member.
Let's look at another video dealing with
the I read customer now take a few
minutes to watch this video on YouTube.
I do not own the rights to this video.
It is on YouTube and I want to suggest
that it can be very helpful and will
provide you with helpful information
to dealing with difficult customers.
After you've watched the video,
I have some questions for you.
Now that you've watched the video, let's
evaluate some of the behavior we saw to
see what we can learn about how the
customer service reps
handled the situation.
There were actually three
scenarios built into this video.
First, an angry woman who came in about
her trees being cut, angry man who was
unable to watch his premium channels.
Or thirdly, a customer who paid to use a
field for two days and
only got to use it once.
We also saw the pay advisor.
Here's the question.
Question One why do you think the
customers behaved as the data?
One of the following may
not be a correct answer.
Which answer did you choose and why?
In my view, the answer
would be C or should be C.
I chose this answer because they do not
necessarily have to be
difficult customers.
They could have been too busy to read the
fine details of their contract
or they were unaware of company policies.
Question Two Of all the advice given by
the narrator and the colleague advisor
tick the ones which are
most useful to you.
Why would you say those you
ticked were most helpful to you?
As we move away from the customer
experience scenarios, let me leave you
with this acronym from the Florida
Caribbean Cruise Association.
The FCCA The Florida Caribbean Cruise
Association developed a principle which
all of its employees should use to handle
any difficult situation with a customer.
Since I came across this principle several
years ago, I have adopted it
and teach it also meaningless.
Listen to the customer
a meaning apologize.
Not necessarily that your company or one
of your colleagues did something wrong,
but apologize that the customer feels
that way or that this happened to them.
Father, be prepared to find
a solution for the problem.
If you can't find a solution, then perhaps
your supervisor or your
manager could find a solution.
T for Tank thank the customer
for bringing this to your attention.
They could have just gotten
angry and walked away.
Thank them for the patience
or anything else you can think of.
The acronym is easy to remember lest
the last principle
and every employee or every person who has
a business should commit this to
memory and use it when necessary.
Conflicts in the workplace don't always
come from outside from customers.
A lot of it could be generated
by our colleagues and by issues.
Workmates may or may not see eye
to eye on in the work environment.
In your view, there are some things that
can cause conflicts in your workplace.
We work with different personalities and
therefore occasionally disagreements
colorize between our work
environments between colleagues.
Before we can begin to fix the situation,
it would be difficult to understand what
caused the disagreement
in the first place.
Then we would be in a better
position to ask the right questions.
What are some possible causes of
disagreement in the work environment?
Make your list based on your
unique work environment.
Here's my list lack of communication
someone wanting things their way.
Bullying adults to bully one another
to an extent or rather some adults too.
Pet jealousies or petty jealousies
lack of trust personality clashes threats
to status as in status on the job,
religious differences racial
discrimination political
differences in discipline.
Impatience with lack of opportunities
on even work distribution.
And there are even more I'm sure you can
think of others which you may have
experienced either at your present place
of employment or previous
attempting to get a Win Win Conclusion In
any conflict situation
often requires much communication
and conflict management skills.
This could be very time consuming and
could take place over time as we try to
get one or both employees to concede or
both parties to concede ground, to
compromise, to forgive and to
be prepared to move forward.
Communication and conflict management
skills must be effectively used to settle
all difficult interpersonal relations.